Everybody, could you hands up? Grand Quest has coming now!!!!
Bagi kalian yang masih bingung sama guidenya dan belum selesai-selesai yuk langsung aja di cek kesini siapa tau bisa membantu..
Mission 1 - The Movement of the Devils
Unlocked after you've defeated Creator Maxwell in St. Lamia.
Team Allowed: 2
Energy Required: 20
Experience: 3000
Cost Allowed: 2x
Time Limit: None
Guests: Karl
Objective: Follow the story and reach the end.
Clear Reward in Total at 100%:
- 1 Gem (1st Clear)
- Sacred Jewel (30% Clear)
- Omni Gizmo (70% Clear)
- 1 Sphere Frog (100% Clear)
- Burst Frog (Conditions Met, see next post)
- Vigor Imp Molin (Conditions Met, see next post)
- Medals (Conditions Met, see next post)
- Muramasa (Purple Treasure Chest)
- Any drops/zel you've gained during the mission.
Mission 1 - Achievements:
- Gold - Deal the finishing blow to the Dragon.- Clear the cave with Karl, but skip traveling to the shore with the Summoner.
- After defeating the Dragon at the tower, it'll runaway where you can kill it once and for all. - Silver #1 - Chase the Dragon into the Distant Thunder Ravine (last tile in the upper left).
- Refer to the Gold achievement. - Silver #2 - Defeat the Dragon without meeting up with Seria.
- Move Karl to the settlements (don't go to the cave).
- Move the Summoner to the forest path --> grasslands --> plateau (don't go to the shore). - Silver #3 - Defeat the Dragon after meeting up with Seria.
- Clear the shore with the Summoner. - Silver #4 - Defeat the Dragon at the Mountainous Settlements.
- Silver #5 - Destroy the enemy base located at the Dark Cave.
- Bronze #1 - Receive Lim's correspondence at the Flower Plateaus.
- Bronze #2 - Defeat the strong enemy at the shore towards the isolated island.
- Bronze #3 - Rendezvous with Seria at the Calm Shores.
- Bronze #4 - Defeat the Dragon at the forest/woods path in the hills.
- Bronze #5 - Defeat the Dragon at the Lightless Valley.
- Bronze #6 - Obtain the Muramasa from the treasure chest at the shore towards the isolated Island.
- Bronze #7 - Obtain the Red Feather from the treasure chest at the shore towards the isolated island.
- After obtaining the Muramasa from the treasure chest at the shore, you have to re-run Mission 1 to obtain the Red Feather at the same location. - Bronze #8 - Obtain the treasure chest from the Intricate Wetlands.
100% Clear Reward:
1 Sphere Frog.
- Kalian akan mulai dengan 2 squad bersama Karl sebagai Guest dan squad 1 tidak ada guest dengan kata lain kalian bisa pilih dari Friend List. Squad pertama dan kedua bakalan dipisah, gak bisa barengan. Selesain dulu quest di atas squad 2 buat unlock area yang ada di sebelah kanan. - Bos bakalan muncul saat Anda membuat langkah pertama.
- Icons boss dengan warna ungu isinya Medromonus.
- Defeat it to obtain Muramasa.
- Defeat it again during another run to get Red Feather - Boss akan muncul beberapa kali, tapi jangan khawatir. Asal di hit terus boss nanti akan kabur
- Jangan sampe Karl mati kalau misinya gak mau gagal.
- Boss:
- Thunder element
- Fairly easy. AoE that dealt ~2000 damage to maxed units
Mission 2 - The Proud Warrior's Banquet
Unlocked after you have defeated Grantos in Cordelica and The Movement of the Devils (Mission 1)
Team Allowed: 3
Energy Required: 40
Experience: 5000
Cost Allowed: 3x
Time Limit: None
Guests: Paris and Lugina
Objective: Defeat the Boss at the end.
Clear Reward in Total at 100%:
- 1 Gem (1st Clear)
- Burst Frog (30% Clear)
- Medulla Gem (60% Clear)
- Power Imp Pakpak (Conditions Met, see next post)
- Vigor Imp Molin (Conditions Met, see next post)
- Guard Imp Ganju (Conditions Met, see next post)
- Medal (Conditions Met, see next post)
- Any drops you've gain during the mission.
Mission 2 - Achievements
- Gold - Find the Secret Treasure (Fight side bosses in this order: Lugina, Paris, Summoner)
- Start with Lugina, go up, take left tile, standby.
- Use Paris team next: Go up, take left tile, standby.
- Use Summoner team now: Go up (chest). Standby.
- Now, use Lugina team and take the right tile and attack boss (Zazabis and Behemoth). Next, use Paris team and head right (Granomos Worm), then use Summoner team and head up and fight Edelma (Fire Dinosaur).
- Use any team and attack Malboro. After cutscenes, you will now able to freely select your team again and press confirm on the bottom for the final battle. The boss is very hard so approach with caution. You may alter your team as you wish right before the boss. - Silver #1 - Defeat Malboro with Summoner.
- Silver #2 - Defeat the Malboro with Lugina.
- Silver #3 - Defeat Malboro with Paris.
- Silver #4 - Use Lugina and pass the unlocked path to Mimori Lakeside (美森)
- Start with Paris, go up and to the left towards the white house. This will unlock Lugina's path on the right. From Lugina, go up then take the left path (ignoring the unlocked path) and keep going straight up towards 美森 Lake and you will clear. - Bronze #1 - Obtain the target point at Mimori Lakeside (美森)
- Use Lugina team. Go up, left (skipping the gate/chest tile), then right. - Bronze #2 - Obtain the target point at Kōka Lakeside (紅華)
- Bronze #3 - Obtain the chest from the lighted forest (right area)
- Bronze #4 - Obtain the treasure chest from the windy meadows (top area)
- Bronze #5 - Obtain the treasure chest from the river path (middle area)
100% Clear Reward:
Queen's Tear. (BB gauge increases greatly by 5 BC after every turn
Mission 3 - The Blue Spirit's Awakening
Unlocked after you have defeated Divine Emperor Zevalhua in Mirvana and The Proud Warrior's Banquet (Mission 2)
Team Allowed: 3
Energy Required: 50
Experience: 8000
Cost Allowed: 3x
Time Limit: None
Guests: Karl, Seria, and Grahdens
Objective: Defeat Graham.
Clear Reward in Total at 100%:
- 1 Gem (1st Clear)
- 2 Burst Frogs (30% Clear)
- Legwand Gem (70% Clear)
- Sapphire (100% Clear)
- Evolution Material for Karl 6*
- Demon Graham 4* (Gold Achievement Clear)
- Demon Sickle (魔神鎌デスモノク) (Silver #1 Achievement Clear)
- When HP is full, increase critical rate by 30% and chance to inflict random abnormal status (Vishra 5* chance)
- Amanohabaken (Purple Chest)
- 75% atk and critical rate up for 2 turns)
- Guard Imp Ganju (Conditions Met, see next post)
- Healing Imp Fwahl (Condition Met, see next post)
- Medals (Conditions Met, see next post)
- Any drops you've gain during the mission.
- At start, each of the party will have to face Graham. Don't worry, he won't do much damage. Wreck him down to 75% and he will run away. He is "testing" your prowess. After you have done so, the gates will unlock.
- After a long cutscenes, Karl NPC will switch to Grahdens NPC. The team you had with Karl will stay with Grah. They will switch back and forth as you move forward.
- There is a purple chest on top and only Seria can access it. The sphere in that chest is Amanohabaken. Boss guarding that chest is Van Nader.
- The second time you open this chest, you will get a stone. Also, the boss changes to Van Lucy
- Boss changes between the two now - Picking which form of Graham to face:
- To fight Normal Graham, challenge the boss tile with either the Summoner or Seria; do not challenge it with Karl. Whichever team (Summoner/Seria) you bring will be soloing the boss
- To fight Post-Graham, challenge the boss tile with Karl. You'll then be able to move your other two squads to the boss tile. Once all 3 squads at at the boss, the fight sequence will begin and you have your 3 teams to beat him
- To fight Awakened Graham, first trigger Karl's Sensation and challenge the boss tile with Karl. Bring your other two teams after the way you did for Post-Graham. However, because you've triggered Karl's Sensation, Awakened Graham will spawn after Post-Graham is defeated
- If you don't trigger Karl's Sensation, the quest finishes after you defeat Post-Graham
- I'll cut you to pieces (生を絶つ一刃) - 70,000 damage to one target and Angel Idol buff. Occurs every 10 turns.
- Ruthless Sickle Blade (無慈悲な鎌刃) - Powerful dark elemental AoE with probable curse.
- Phantom Curse (ファントムカース) - Strong dark elemental AoE with probable curse.
- Devious Intimidation (狡賢の威圧) - Removes all buffs.
- Predatory of the Soul (魂魄の略奪) - Power dark elemental AoE and recover HP from the damage.
- This is the same form as the normal Graham, except it's stronger and unlocked once you trigger Silver #1 Achievement. You can use 3 party to fight him and you're allowed to change your team right before you battle.
- Dark-element and has high critical resistance
- I'll Cut You to Pieces (生を絶つ一刃) - 100,000 damage to one target and Angel Idol buff. Occurs every 10 turns.
- Phantom Curse (ファントムカース) - Strong dark elemental AoE with probable curse.
- Ruthless Sickle Blade (無慈悲な鎌刃) - Strong dark elemental AoE with probable curse.
- Devious Intimidation (狡賢の威圧) - Removes all buffs.
- Predatory of the Soul (魂魄の略奪) - Powerful dark elemental AoE and recover HP from the damage.
- Abyss of the Devil (悪巧者の深淵) - Triggers at 50% HP. Massive AoE (999,999 damage) but leaves everyone at 1 HP and removes all BB gauge. Increase own attack.
- Angel Idol Buff will be active throughout the battle. Recovers 10% HP once defeated. It is possible that he will apply Angel Idol buff once more if you revived him once and he triggers "I'll Cut You To Pieces" as that reapply Angel Idol.
- If you bring him to about 2% HP left, he will use Abyss of the Devil and the Angel Idol Buff will intact. He also heal 10% HP.
Awakened Graham
- This is his final form and trigger once you have defeated Post-Graham. Only Karl's Squad (3rd team) are allowed to participate. The first and second team will not be consider for this battle.
- Dark element
- Phantom Curse (ファントムカース) - Strong dark elemental AoE with probable curse.
- Ruthless Sickle Blade (無慈悲な鎌刃) - Powerful dark elemental AoE with probable curse.
- You Shall Be Destined to Die (お前は死ぬ運命にあるのだ) - Skipped attack for the turn. Unleash massive dark element AoE that removes buffs.
Mission 3 - Achievements
- Gold - Deal the finishing blow on Awakened Graham.
- Complete Silver #5.
- To trigger Post-Graham you need to complete Silver #1 first. This battle is extremely difficult, so you should come over-prepared like you would in a Trial.
- After defeating Post-Graham, Awakened Graham will be available (last tile in the upper left).
- You'll be able to change your items before challenging Awakened Graham.
- Only Karl's squad will be available against Awakened Graham. - Silver #1 - Karl defeats Graham.
- Silver #2 - Summoner defeats Graham.
- Silver #3 - Seria defeats Graham.
- You will lose if Seria defeat in battle so use Angel Idol on her for safety. - Silver #4 - Defeat the strong enemy at the Rumbling Cliffs.
- Silver #5 - Karl notices a new sensation.
- Move Karl/Grah to the left of the map between the trees and swamp.
- You must defeat Post-Graham once before this event can trigger, meaning it will takes you at least 2 runs before you can trigger this. - Silver #6 - Obtain the Amanohabaken from the rare treasure chest at the Rumbling Cliffs (upper right).
- Defeat Van Nader. - Bronze #1 - Obtain the treasure chest from the Rumbling Cliffs (upper right).
- After obtaining the Amanohabaken from the treasure chest at the rumbling cliffs, you have to re-run Mission 3 to obtain the item at the same location.
- Defeat Van Lucy. - Bronze #2 - Obtain the treasure chest from the Muddy Swamp.
Normal attacks - 12 hits (2 drop checks).
Leader Skill - 3-4 BC fill when attacked and reflects 20% of damage received.
Brave Burst: - 17 hits 220% dark AoE, 70% chance to inflict curse, and 15% chance to reduce enemies' attack by 75% for 1 turn.
Stats - 5210 HP, 1780 ATK, 1470 DEF, 1630 REC.
Sapphire (required to evolve Karl to 6*).
Normal hits - 12 (2 drop checks).
Leader Skill - Boost BB gauge when attacking (7 BC) and during spark (1-2 BC)
Brave Burst - 16 powerful water element hits to all enemies (240%) (20 BC)
Super Brave Burst - 24 powerful water element hits to all enemies (400%) boost own's ATK/DEF/REC for 3 turns (100%) (15 BC)
Lord - 6300 HP, 2251 ATK, 1862 DEF, 1761 REC.
Mission 4 - The Crimson Cry
Unlocked after you have defeated Divine Emperor Zevalhua in Mirvana and The Proud Warrior's Banquet (Mission 2)
Team Allowed: 1 (2 members)
Energy Required: 50
Experience: 8000
Cost Allowed: 54
Guests: Seria and Grahdens/Lugina/Tilith
Objective: Defeat Demon Aregumosu
Defeat Condition: Any NPC dies.
Clear Reward in total at 100%:
- 1 gem (1st Clear)
- 2 Burst Frog (33% Clear)
- Phoenix Wing (フェニックスの輝翼) (66% Clear)
- HP restore every turn + HP restore when damaged.
- Ruby (100% Clear)
- Evolution Material for Seria 6*
- 2 Guard Imp Ganju (Gold #1 Achievement Clear)
- 2 Vigor Imp Molin (Gold #2 Achievement Clear)
- 2 Power Imp Pakpak (Gold #3 Achievement Clear)
- 3 Medals
Recommended Team:
Recommended Spheres:
Lexida, Leomurg, Drevas/Refined Gem, Omni Gizmo, Sol Creator.
(Mono Thunder Very Recommended Here)
(Mono Thunder Very Recommended Here)
Demon Aregumosu
Water element
- Susceptible to paralyze.
- Frost Fang (氷牙の激震): Probable reduce BB gauge and probably curse (30%) and poison (15%) to all enemies.
- 30% chance to reduce 30-40% BB gauge.
- Splattered (スプラヴェード): Weak attack all enemies (30%) with probably poison (15%) and injury (15%)
- Trident Row (トライデント・ロウ): Powerful single target attack (120%) that removes all buffs and recover 500% of that unit's HP.
- Note: This attack cannot be crit.
- Kalvaria Geek (カルヴァリアギーク): Powerful attack to all enemies (70%)
- Run aways when HP is below 10% (This will ends battle and go to awakened form)
Lawan dia mah gampang, cukup guard NPC seperti Seria, Tilith, Grahdens, Lugina atau semacamnya dan serangnya pake unit kalian. Coba deh jangan pake potions karena kalian nanti akan lawan True Formnya, kalau mau pake angel idol aja pas darah NPC kalian udah sekarat dan gak memungkinkan untuk menerima serangan lagi
Water element
Susceptible to paralyze.
- The accumulative power... (力を溜めている・・・) : Increase attack until he changes weapon for 1 turn.
- Silence Level (サイレンスレブル): Massive attack to all enemies (150%). Occurred at 75% and 30% HP.
- Note: Only inflict 50% of total damage instead of 100%.
- Weapon Change: Spiral Dagger (Decrease own's attack but increase normal attack)
- Splattered (スプラヴェード): Weak attack all enemies (30%) with probably poison (15%) and injury (15%)
- Weapon Change: Heavy Axe (Ignored defense)
- Avalanche Axe (アバランシュ・アクス): Weak attack to all enemies (20%) with probable injury (20%)
- Attack of the Abyss (深淵の斧撃): Massive attack to all enemies (200%)
- Weapon Change: Ice Sword (Invalidate all status ailments and boost critical rate up)
- Dissipation of the Frozen Mind (消散の凍気): Removes all buffs.
- Avalanche (アバランシュ): Strong attack to all enemies (30%)
- Soul Scratch (ソウルスクラッチ): Powerful single target attack (120%) that reduce BB gauge (20-30% BB gauge)
Main save aja, NPC kalian tetap di Guard. Usahakan jangan sampe mati, miti every turn, buff deff, atk down, dll.
Mission 4 - Achievements
- Gold #1 - Clear Tilith's path.
Approach the top path when starting out.
Red path in picture below. - Gold #2 - Clear Grahdens' path.
Approach the middle path when starting out.
Purple path in picture below. - Gold #3 - Clear Lugina's path.
Approach the bottom/right path when starting out.
Green path in picture below.
100% Clear Reward:
Ruby (required to evolve Seria to 6*)
Normal hits: 10 (2 drop check)
Leader Skill: Boost attack and defense to all allies by 30% and boost HC effectiveness (50%)
Brave Burst: 18 powerful fire element hits to all enemies (240%) (20 BC)
Super Brave Burst: 22 powerful fire element hits to all enemies and boost own's ATK/DEF/REC for 3 turns (100%) (20 BC) (25% innate HC)
Lord: 6155 HP | 2110 ATK | 1932 DEF | 1981 REC
Mission 5 - The Dawn of the Old
Unlocked after you defeated Lucius in Bariura and cleared The Blue Spirit Awakening (Mission 3)
Team Allowed: 4
Energy Required: 60
Experience: 10000
Cost Allowed: 3x
Guests: Grahdens
Objective: Differ for every goal.
Defeat Condition: Grahdens NPC defeated.
Clear Reward in total at 100%:
- 1 gem (1st Clear)
- 2 Burst Frog (30% Achievement Clear)
- Sphere Frog ( 70% Achievement Clear)
- Amethyst (100% Achievement Clear)
Evolution Material for Grahdens 6* - Luna Creator (Chest on the left side map)
- Sol Creator (Chest on the mountainside map)
- 1 Ishrion (聖魔斬刃イシュリオン) (Clear Gold #1)
Boost HP/Atk by 30% + 15% BC/HC drop rate - 1 Malice Jewel (Clear Silver #1) (30% All Parameter)
- 1 Zombie Jabot (精霊の首飾り) (Clear Silver #2)
Greatly boost 40% BC/HC when HP below half - 3 Power Imp Pakpak (Clear Silver #3)
- 3 Guard Imp Ganju (Clear Silver #4)
- 3 Healing Imp Fwahl (Clear Silver #5)
- 3 Vigor Imp Molin (Clear Silver #6)
There are four paths, and each path triggers different side bosses. Defeat all 4 side bosses will opens up the main gate for the next boss. The final boss only appears if you approach with Grahdens' squad.
- Left most path: Meru-Meru
- Left path: Bruzebia
- Right path: Claudalus
- Right most path: Laguna Rex
- Once all cleared, the middle tile will open up. Bosses will be Van Lucy and Van Nader.
If approached with Grah squad, two new tiles will open up. If not, mission will ends here.
Left path for Main Boss (see below)
Right path for Side Boss. (Cleared Prize: Malice Jewel)
Valmodora, the Giant Bee
- 2 Massive AoE with high chance to curse at 50% and 30%.
- Charge for 1 turn, AoE next turn.
- Mitigation up while charging.
- Guard on all.
- Mono Earth is recommended here.
Demon Mashreed
Dark Element
- Dago-Durg (ダゴ・ドゥルグ) - Powerful single target attack (120%) with chance to curse (50%).
- Maker Dhruva (マクゼリス・ドルヴァ) - Powerful single target attack (90%) that remove BB gauge (100%)
- Ruoru Aid (ルオル・エード) - Weak AoE attack (40%)
- Gol-Demikku (ゴル・デミック) - 5 Powerful random attack (400%)
- Darkness Charge (ダークネスチャージ) - Increase attack by 20% for 999 turns and charge.
- Darkness Full Charge (ダークネスフルチャージ) - Increase attack by 50% for 999 turns. Use after using using Darkness Charge for 3 times. Unleash Ramugu Fizesu on next turn.
- Ramugu Fizesu (ラムグァル・フィーゼス) - Massive AoE (888% with 888 flat atk) that removes buffs.
- Kuah Fly (クア・プライ) - Boost attack power by 100% for 2 turns. Enter Awakening Mode.
- Eru Fly (エル・プライ) - Removes buff. Release Awakening Mode.
- Barura Huy (バーラル・ウイ) - Water element single target attack (300%)
- Barura Raka (バーラル・ラカ) - Thunder element single target attack (300%)
- Barura Eno (バーラル・エノ) - Fire element single target attack (300%)
- Barura Remote (バーラル・リモ) - Earth element single target attack (300%)
Awakened Demon Mashreed
Dark element.
- Dago-Durg (ダゴ・ドゥルグ) - Powerful single target attack (120%) with chance to curse (50%).
- Ruoru Aid (ルオル・エード) - Weak AoE attack (40%)
- Eve Charge Vibration (チャージブレイヴ) - Reduce BB gauge to all enemies. Always use on first turn. Remuvu Bazurudo will occur on the next turn.
- Remuvu Bazurudo (レムヴァル・バズルード) - Massive AoE (170-180% HP attack)
- Holy Demon Release (聖魔ノ解放) - Boost attack by 25% and defense by 300% for 999 turns. Recover 8000-10000 HP every turn for 999 turns and double hit count for 999 turns.
- Occurs at 50% HP.
- White Feather of Hope (希望の白き羽根) - Use after Holy Demon Release. Powerful AoE attack (180%) and changes own element to Light.
- Demise of Chaos (混沌の終焉) - Powerful light and dark AoE attack (250%)
- Wave of the Holy Demon (翼聖天魔の波動) - Reduce enemies attack, defense, and recovery by 50% for 2 turns.
Mission 5 - Achievements
- Gold #1 - Defeat Mashreed (Main Boss) (9)
Approach to temple with Grah team (same location as Silver #2)
Take the left path once you defeated Van Lucy/Nader. - Silver #1 - Defeat Valmodora (Side boss, the bee) (8)
Approach to temple with Grah team (same location as Silver #2)
Take the right path once you defeated Van Lucy/Nader. - Silver #2 - Summoner reached the temple. (7)
- Silver #3 - Grahdens team defeated Cladalus. (3)
- Silver #4 - Grahdens team defeated Laguna Rex. (4)
- Silver #5 - Grahdens team defeated Meru-Meru. (1)
- Silver #6 - Grahdens team defeated Bruzebia. (2)
- Bronze #1 - Obtain the rare treasure chest on the left side. (5)
- Bronze #2 - Obtain the treasure chest on the left side. (Repeat Bronze #1)
- Bronze #3 - Obtain the rare treasure chest on the right side. (6)
- Bronze #4 - Obtain the treasure chest on the right side. (Repeat Bronze #3)
Mission 6 - Communication Officer's Long Day
Unlock after you cleared The Movement of the Devils (Mission 1)
Team Allowed: 1
Energy Required: 40
Experience: 5000
Cost Allowed: 90% of your cost.
Guests: Lin
Objective: n/a
Defeat Condition: Lin defeated
Clear Reward in total at 100%:
- Gem (First Clear)
- Lin 4* (First Clear)
- 2 Power Imp Pakpak (20% Clear)
- 2 Guard Imp Ganju (40% Clear)
- 2 Healing Imp Fwahl (60% Clear)
- 2 Vigor Imp Molin (80% Clear)
- Communicator (支援用魔導通信機) (100% Clear)
Boost HC drop rate by 15% and increase damage dealt during weakness by 20%
Swamp - Grand Jelly
- Massive AoE at turn 10.
- Defeat under 8 turns for Silver #1 Achievement.
- Can be poisoned.
Mountain - Pirate Goddess Eve and 4 Rantoul
- Can be paralyzed.
- Defeat under 4 turns for Silver #2 Achievement.
Wind Plain - Thunderbird and Crow Tengu
- Paralyze attacks.
- Defeat under 4 turns for Silver #3 Achievement.
- Both can be poisoned.
Fire Mountain - Phoenix Reborn and King Bozdell
- King Bozdell is immediately revive if killed until you defeat Phoenix.
- Bozdell also have massive AoE when countdown goes to 0.
This can be prevented with Curse/Paralyze debuff.
Mission 6 - Achievements
- Gold #1 - Achieved the Research Mission.
- Silver #1 - Defeat Grand Jelly under 8 turns.
50,000 damage AoE on turn 10. - Silver #2 - Defeat Pirate Goddess Eve and 4 Rantoul under 4 turns.
- Silver #3 - Defeat Thunderbird and Crow Tengu under 4 turns.
- Silver #4 - Defeat Phoenix Reborn and King Bozdell under 5 turns.
King Bozdell will revive every time he is killed.
Demon's Communicator - Boost HC drop rate by 15% and increase damage dealt during weakness by 20% (DROP symbol)
Lin 5* (Obtained as first cleared, not 100% cleared)
- Normal Hits: 15 (2 DC)
- Leader Skill: Boost all allies HP by 30%, HC effectiveness by 50% and heal 200-400 HP every turn.
- Brave Burst: Heal all allies (1800-2100 + 15% Rec) to all allies for 3 turns, boost BB gauge (6 BC) and invalidate all status ailments for 3 turns.
- Lord: 4750 HP | 1252 attack | 1407 defense | 1854 recovery
Mission 7 - Imaginary's Garden
Unlocked after you defeated Lucius in Bariura and cleared The Proud Warrior's Banquet (Mission 2)
Team Allowed: 2
Energy Required: 50
Experience: 8000
Cost Allowed: 1.6X the total cost
Guests: Paris
Objective: Defeat the demon.
Defeat Condition: Paris defeated
Clear Reward in total at 100%:
- Gem (First Clear)
- 3 Power Imp Pakpak (Clear Silver #1 Achievement)
- 3 Vigor Imp Molin (Clear Silver #2 Achievement)
- 3 Guard Imp Ganju (Clear Silver #3 Achievement)
- All Imp Alton (Clear Gold #1 Achievement)
- 2 Burst Frog (30% Clear)
- Honor Armor (貴光鎧メルフォルナ) (80% Clear)
Boost Def, Rec, and HP by 30%. When HP under 50%, boost Def by 200%. - Topaz (100% Clear)
Needed for Paris 6* - Medals (Condition achieved)
The Four Fallen Gods
- ジェネシス (Genesis) - AoE attack.
- エンドレス ( Endless) - Massive AoE attack (250%) every 5 turns.
Cardes the Malevolent
- ディメンション (Hidden Dimension) - AoE attack.
- 異界の光 (Foreign's Light) - Activates at 50% HP, heals 99,999 HP.
- エンドレス (Endless) - Massive AoE attack (250%) on first turn and every 5 turns after.
Divine Emperor Zevalhua
- 瓦解の牙 (Debacle Fangs) - Powerful single target attack.
- インフィニティワールド (Infinite World) - AoE attack.
- クラティア (Kuratia) - AoE drain attack.
- エンドレス (Endless) - Massive AoE attack (250%).
Beast God Afla Dilith
- レゾネイトカオス (Resonate Chaos) - AoE attack.
- 真神の粛清 (Purge of the True God) - Powerful single target attack that removes buff and chance to inflict random status.
- 神徒吸魂・水樹 (Soul Absorption) - Activates at 50% HP, apply Fire and Water element buffs, attack and defense, and Angel Idol buff.
- 終焉の導き (Demise's Guidance) - Reduce damage to 1 for 1 turn.
- エンドレス (Endless) - Massive AoE attack (444%). Activates the turn after 終焉の導き (Demise's Guidance). Applies Angel Idol buff. Can use up to four times.
- Heal 99,999 HP every turn.
Above 50% HP
- ペインデプロイ (Pain Deploy) - Single target attack with probable curse.
- サーチペイン (Search for Pain) - Check to see if any unit is cursed. Occurs every 4 turns.
- If so, activates ペインクラッシュ (Pain Crash)
- If not, activates 喰らい尽くす世界 (World Eater)
- ペインクラッシュ (Pain Crash) - Massive single target attack to the unit that is cursed.
- 喰らい尽くす世界 (World Eater) - Massive AoE attack (280% HP attack, will not survive with 50% mitigation)
- ウィークディフェンス (Weak Protection) - AoE attack that decrease enemy's Def.
- パワーエグゾスト (Power Strike) - Powerful single target attack that decrease enemy's Atk.
- カオス・グリーヴァ (Chaos Greaves) - Powerful AoE attack. Occurs every 3 turns.
Below 50% HP
- 腐敗した波動 (Rotten Wave) - Remove all enemies' buffs and poison all.
- 消化液 (Digestion Liquid) - Powerful single target attack that removes buff.
- 広域汚染 (Wide Area Pollution) - AoE attack with probable curse.
- 絡みつく瘴気 (Entangled Miasma) - Reduce BB gauge at the end of every turn.
- カオス・グリーヴァ(Chaos Greaves) - Powerful AoE attack. Occurs on random intervals.
Eriole & Tesla
- キルクライム (Kill Crime) - Single target attack that significantly reduce BB gauge (60-80%).
- ジャスティスコール (Call Justice) - Powerful single target attack.
- ルナテンペスト (Luna Tempest) - AoE attack with probable weakening effect.
- ソルデスペラード (Sol Desperado) - AoE attack.
- エタニティ・ロスト (Eternity Lost) - AoE attack that removes all buffs.
- インペリアルガード (Imperial Guard) - Boost Def for 3 turns and reduce 50% damage for 1 turn. (Self-buff)
- スタイルチェンジ (Change Style) - Boost 20% Atk and Def for 999 turns.
- グローリーアンセム (Glory Anthem) - Heal 10,000 - 12,000 HP every turn for 999 turns.
- アクアスタッブ (Aqua Stub) - AoE attack.
- ピアッシングキラー (Piercing Killer) - AoE attack with probable poison effect.
- 私はエリオール様の剣… (Eriole's Sword...) - Powerful single target attack and boost allies' Atk by 20% for 3 turns.
- この身はエリオール様の盾… (This is Eriole's Shield...) - Powerful single target attack and boost allies' Def by 20% for 3 turns.
- 純化の光 (Purified Light) - Remove all buffs.
- クイックストーム (Quick Storm) - Double normal hit count buff to all allies for 1 turn.
- アクアリブラ (Aqua Libra) - Heal 50,000 - 60,000 HP.
- クリスタルオーラ (Crystal Aura) - Apply Fire, Water, Earth, and Thunder attributes to all allies for 1 turn.
Demon Zoldia
- ソウルミリタリー (Soul Military) - Single target attack.
- アビス・デスティニー (Abyss Destiny) - Powerful single target attack.
- イノセンス (Innocence) - AoE attack.
- カースフレイム (Curse Flame) - Fire and dark element AoE with probable curse.
- コールドエッジ (Cold Edge) - Water and dark element AoE with probable weakness.
- ライトニング・ボルト (Lightning Bolt) - Thunder and dark element AoE with probable paralysis.
- ギガ・ストーム (Giga Storm) - Earth and dark element AoE with probable injury.
- 術式詠唱 (Art Expression Chant) - Boost Atk by 30% for 5 turns.
- 高位術式詠唱 (Highest Art Expression Chant) - Boost Atk by 50% for 3 turns. Reduce 30% - 40% BB gauge.
- ダークネスヒールライト (Darkness Heel Light) - Angel Idol buff.
- 集中力が切れた!(Concentration is interrupted!) - Reduce own's Atk by 5% for 1 turn.
- グラヴィティ・ノヴァ (Gravity Nova) - Massive AoE attack. Occurs at 50% HP.
Illusions Demon Zoldia
- ロスト・フレイム (Lost Art: Flame) - Massive fire element single target attack (160% HP)
- ロスト・フラッド (Lost Art: Flood) - Massive water element single target attack (160% HP)
- ロスト・グランド (Lost Art: Ground) - Massive earth element single target attack (160% HP)
- ロスト・プラズマ (Lost Art: Plasma) - Massive thunder element single target attack (160% HP)
- ロスト・ホーリー (Lost Art: Holy) - Massive light element single target attack (160% HP)
- ロスト・ダークネス (Lost Art: Darkness) - Massive dark element single target attack (160% HP)
- 幻魔導神の波動 (Wave of the Illusion Demon) - Removes all buffs and inflict sick. Occurs at 25% HP.
- Change style every 4 turns.
Art Expression: Boost attack for 4 turns:
- カースフレイム (Curse Flame) - Fire and dark element AoE with probable curse.
- コールドエッジ (Cold Edge) - Water and dark element AoE with probable weakness.
- ライトニング・ボルト (Lightning Bolt) - Thunder and dark element AoE with probable paralysis.
- ギガ・ストーム (Giga Storm) - Earth and dark element AoE with probable injury.
- ミラ・ファントム (Mira Phantom) - AoE attack that removes all buffs.
- グラヴィティ・ノヴァ (Gravity Nova) - Massive AoE attack.
Use on turn 4, 12, and 20. Style ends. - ヘル・ヴァリアス (Various Hell) - Powerful AoE attack.
Activate when HP is below 50%.
Can be skipped if style changed on this same turn.
- Swordsmanship: Double normal hit count for 4 turns.
- 獄剣刺突 (Piercing Prison Sword) - Single target attack.
- 覇剣連舞 (Superior Sword Dance) - AoE attack.
- 千剣無残 (Thousand Sword Tragic) - Powerful AoE attack.
- 精神集中 (Mental Concentration) - Boost Atk by 100% for 1 turn.
Control God Lucius
瓦解の牙 (Debacle Fangs) - Powerful single target attack.
真神の粛清 (Purge of the True God) - Powerful single target attack that removes buff and chance to inflict random status.
ジェネシス (Genesis) - AoE attack.
ディメンション (Hidden Dimension) - AoE attack.
インフィニティワールド (Infinite World) - AoE attack.
クラティア (Kuratia) - AoE drain attack.
異界の光 (Foreign's Light) - Activates at 50% HP, heals 99,999 HP.
エンドレス (Endless) - Massive AoE attack every 5 turns until all 3 Fallen God's Endless is used up. (15 turns)
Used in this order: Maxwell, Cardes, and then Zevalhua.
Afla Dilith's Endless occurs at 25% HP.
Mission 7 - Achievements:
- Gold #1 - Paris party defeated all demons with combined power.
Take the purple path for Paris team to tile 2. Take red path for Summoner team to tile 4. Proceed to boss with Paris team. - Silver #1 - Summoner party defeat all demons alone.
Summoner takes the red path. - Silver #2 - Paris party defeat all demons alone.
Paris team takes the yellow path. - Silver #3 - Defeat WST-1096
Paris team takes the blue path.
Topaz (required to evolve Paris to 6*)
- Normal Hits: 8 (4 DC)
- Leader Skill: 12% chance to reduce damage to 1 and fills 3-5 BC when damaged.
- Brave Burst: 15 powerful thunder element attack to all enemies (240%) and heal all allies (1700-2000 + 22.5% rec)
- Super Brave Burst: 22 powerful thunder element attack to all enemies (400%) + boost defense and recovery by 100% and HC drop rate by 30% for all allies for 3 turns.
- Lord: 6180 HP | 2050 attack | 2100 defense | 1855 recovery

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