
Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Prediksi LS, ES, BB, SBB dan UBB Dragon Slayer Batch's Dream Evo

Alim baru saja mengkonfirmasi Dream Evo dari Dragon Slayer Batch, sayangnya hanya 4 unit yang telah dikonfirmasi mendapatkan Dream Evo yakni Arus, Belfura, Ragshelm dan Shera. Banyak summoner yang telah menerka-nerka LS, BB, SBB, UBB dan ES nya. Nah sekarang giliran saya yang coba mencoba memprediksinya:

1. Arus

Tentu Unlimited SBBnya akan melekat pada Arus lalu apa lagi yang akan ditambahkan oleh Alim ya ke dalam Arus?

LS: 40% Boost Max HP, 100% boost to Atk, greatly boosts critical damage, critical damage greatly boosts BB gauge for 2 turns & adds chance Def ignoring effect

ES: 40% boost to Atk, Def, Rec, max HP when Scarlet Necklace is equipped & adds Def ignoring effect to attack for 2 turns effect to BB/SBB and greatly boost critical damage

BB: 20 combo Fire attack on all foes, boost critical hit rate & damage for 3 turns and greatly boost own Atk.

SBB: 25 combo massive Fire attack on all enemies (damage relative to remaining HP) & massive boost own Atk and boost spark damage & Critical hit rate and damage

UBB: 30 combo massive Fire attack on all foes, 5 combo massive Fire attack on single foe, enormously boosts OD gauge, enormously boosts critical hit damage for 3 turns & enormously boosts OD gauge for 3 turns & enormously boost spark damage.

2. Belfura

Meskipun Belfura tidak mendapatakan *7 tapi Alim tetap mengonfirmasinya untuk mendapatkan Dream Evo, kasus ini sama seperti Mifune yang melompat ke Dream Evo.

LS: 100% Atk, 30% boost Max HP, High chance of inflicting a random status ailment when attacking & high boost in damage dealt during Spark

ES: Greatly boost spark damage, high chance to inflict any status when attack

BB: 25 combo powerful Water attack on all enemies, adds water barrier and bb gauge when spark and attacked, high chance of decreasing Atk and Def for one turn & greatly boost bb gauge for allies

SBB: 28 combo powerful Water attack on all enemies, chance of decreasing Atk and Def for one turn & boosts allies' BB gauge, greatly boost spark damage & Spark Vulnerability for 1 turn

UBB: 45 massive water attack on all enemies, adds all ailments to one random enemy, enormously boost spark damage & spark vulnerability and enormously boost bb gauge for allies

3. Ragshelm

Unit ini dikenal dengan HPnya yang tebal dan juga spark damagenya, bisa jadi Alim akan menjadikannya sebagai unit dengan HP tebal

LS: 50% boost to max HP, Atk, ads Def ignoring effect & 10% reduce all damage & boosts spark damage

ES: Adds Def ignoring effect to BB/SBB & hugely boosts damage against status afflicted foes
100% boost & boost spark damage

BB: 25 combo powerful Earth attack on all foes, high probable 1 turn Atk, Def reduction & adds Injury effect to attack for 3 turns and boost spark damage

SBB: 29 combo powerful Earth attack on all foes, adds 1 turn Atk, Def reduction, boosts enemies' Spark vulnerability for 1 turn , adds Injury effect to attack for 3 turns, boost spark damage & boost max HP

UBB: 35 combo massive Earth attack on all foes, 75% Mitigator and adds Earth Barrier & 1 turn huge Atk reduction effect to attack for 2 turns & boosts enemies' Spark vulnerability for 1 turn

4. Shera

Shera adalah mitigator dengan hit count terbanyak pada SBB ketika masih era *6. Shera juga adalah primadona dan bisa dibilang unit favorit dijamannya, tapi seiring banyaknya unit-unit OP yang sering berdatangan membuat pamor Shera semakin redup, mungkin sekarang Alim ingin menaikan pamor Shera ini.

LS: 50% boost max HP, Enormously reduces BB gauge required for BB, greatly boosts BB gauge fill rate & probable high damage reduction

ES: Negates Def ignoring damage and ailments & greatly boosts BB gauge when guarding

BB: 25 combo powerful Thunder attack on single foe, boosts Atk for 3 turns & reduces damage taken by 50% for 1 turn and remove all ailments

SBB: 30 combo powerful Thunder attack on all foes, boosts Atk and gradually recovers BB gauge for 3 turns, gradually recovers HP for 3 turns & reduces damage taken by 50% for 1 turn

UBB: 35 combo massive Thunder attack on all foes, greatly boosts Atk for 3 turns and actived thunder barrier for allies & reduces damage taken by 75% for 2 turns

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