Mission 1
Shusui Skills
Note: If he ever does a turn without attacking then the next attack will be a huge aoe nuke that is almost guaranteed to kill your entire team. Recommended to bring angel idol item and smoke bombs to ensure safe escape. Shusui cannot remove buffs but will constantly debuff you with atk/def down, and occasionally shusui can "buff" himself with low bc drop rate.
3 Parts (fire, fire and thunder). Has DoT damage on 『武』 stance so a unit that can heal over time is definitely recommended but not exactly necessary, during the DoT stance he can also use "soul end" which is a high single target damage nuke to the current highest hp in your team, you can use spheres like seria ex to your highest base hp unit or FG3 1.4m sphere to help reduce the chance of getting one shotted.
Incredibly difficult even with current units and require a solid teammates that can survive well and deal good damage. Method of survivabilty seems to be stacking 4 def orbs and high def buff, convert to def buff is helpful as well, along with the usual atk/def down and injury on shusui. Shusui can also be affected with some sickness and curse, his left hand can be paralyzed as well.
Suggested Leads:
Mission 2
Lower half:
Main body is susceptible to injury and weakness while the lower half can be paralyzed and poisoned.
Note: Just like shushui, the red and blue raid orbs are highly recommended to survive boss damage and to deal some good damage. The main body is extremely tanky which most often results to a long fight compared to the lower half, you will end up killing the lower half most of the time and fight the boss with only just a single target body so BB sustain might be a little difficult.
The main thing to watch out is his reflect damage buff, not entirely sure yet if it's based on something but you just have to be aware when you see him saying/using the skill "リフレクトボディ", you can view the unit by tap and hold on the main body part to see if the reflect damage buff is there or not. If you attack him while the buff is active, it will most likely leave you with 1 health after attacking, a way to counter this is to either guard all units, heal after all your units attacked or use spheres that converts damage to hp that requires some luck.
After the bottom half is destroyed, Beiorg will use his Lightning Storm which will remove all buffs and cause paralysis on everyone so a status cleanser is recommended with anti status sphere. You can also still press the escape button even if all your units are paralyzed to try and escape but it's only a small window of opportunity to tap it before beiorg starts attacking again.
An example for a team to use is pretty much the same setup for shusui like the solo video posted up there, or the newest thunder dragon Eldora as leader can also be quite effective to surviving his normal attacks.
Suggested Leads:
Eldora lead + any BB on Spark unit so you could keep up when only the Upper body is alive.
Mission 3
Baryuon is 'nukable' and doesn't require elemental reduction units. You just have to be careful of his HP threshold attacks at 70% and 55%.
Use status ailments. His Wings are susceptible to Poison which kills it quick. His Tail is susceptible to Curse, which locks down his Tail Swipes.
Be careful when engaging him after the Wings are down. When you come back after reviving or a smoke-bomb, he will use a Tail Swipe right away. Guard some units to avoid another wipe.
Suggested leads:
Mission 4
Am Yunos
Use a Reviora lead to mitigate most of her attacks. As listed above, she has a wide range of attacks, with the first three being cast the most (Astral Line, Star Drive, and Cross Radiation).
It might be better to put the two toughest units in the Mid as they get attacked the most. She can casts 2-6 abilities in one turn.
Use status ailments, especially Elsa since she can use the only two ailments Am Yunos is vulnerable with, Curse and Injury. If you lock down her Body and Staff, you wouldn't have to deal with a barrage of attacks. Be careful as she might cast Supernova once the Curse is over.
Suggested Squads:
Mission 5
Use a Drevas + Rabeld lead to mitigate most of her attacks and survive deadly threshold nukes. She also uses her V-SW quite often.
She will use Nature Barrier first before casting V-SW. UBB Rabeld to cheese it.
Suggested Leads:
Shusui Skills
- 『霸』の構え
All of your units must BB/SBB do not normal attack to avoid nuke - 『神』の構え
Add hits to himself, high damage, might kill our units. All of your units will need to BB/SBB just like the stance above. - 『武』の構え
ソウル・エンド (soul end) - single target damage nuke to current highest HP
Guard with your highest HP unit.
Above 3 stances last 3 rounds. Every 3 rounds changes a stance. Possibility of changing to the same stance is present.
Note: If he ever does a turn without attacking then the next attack will be a huge aoe nuke that is almost guaranteed to kill your entire team. Recommended to bring angel idol item and smoke bombs to ensure safe escape. Shusui cannot remove buffs but will constantly debuff you with atk/def down, and occasionally shusui can "buff" himself with low bc drop rate.
3 Parts (fire, fire and thunder). Has DoT damage on 『武』 stance so a unit that can heal over time is definitely recommended but not exactly necessary, during the DoT stance he can also use "soul end" which is a high single target damage nuke to the current highest hp in your team, you can use spheres like seria ex to your highest base hp unit or FG3 1.4m sphere to help reduce the chance of getting one shotted.
Incredibly difficult even with current units and require a solid teammates that can survive well and deal good damage. Method of survivabilty seems to be stacking 4 def orbs and high def buff, convert to def buff is helpful as well, along with the usual atk/def down and injury on shusui. Shusui can also be affected with some sickness and curse, his left hand can be paralyzed as well.
Suggested Leads:
- Offensive Build: Avant/Rhoa or Griff/Rhoa leads
- Defensive Build: Drevas/Rhoa
- If you hate Rhoa, you could use a Karl lead and a Luce sub.
Mission 2
- レビンスラッシュ (Levin Slash) = AoE attack
- レビンスクリーム (Levin Scream)= AoE attack
- エネルギーチャージ (Energy Charge) = Lightning attack up buff
- リフレクトボディ (Reflect Body) = Reflects all damage received back to the enemy
- 自己強化機能、発動 = Atk up buff
- ライトニングストーム (Lightning Storm) = AoE buff remove and 100% paralyze + strong AoE damage
- 虚空絶覇斬 = Super strong AoE attack
Lower half:
- ボルトチャージ (Bolt Charge) = Single target BB drain to 0% and small heal to self
- パワーブースター (Power Booster) = AoE attack + DoT
- ボルトインパクト (Bolt Impact) = AoE attack
- ジェノサイドブリッツ (Genocide Blitz) = Random target attack
Main body is susceptible to injury and weakness while the lower half can be paralyzed and poisoned.
Note: Just like shushui, the red and blue raid orbs are highly recommended to survive boss damage and to deal some good damage. The main body is extremely tanky which most often results to a long fight compared to the lower half, you will end up killing the lower half most of the time and fight the boss with only just a single target body so BB sustain might be a little difficult.
The main thing to watch out is his reflect damage buff, not entirely sure yet if it's based on something but you just have to be aware when you see him saying/using the skill "リフレクトボディ", you can view the unit by tap and hold on the main body part to see if the reflect damage buff is there or not. If you attack him while the buff is active, it will most likely leave you with 1 health after attacking, a way to counter this is to either guard all units, heal after all your units attacked or use spheres that converts damage to hp that requires some luck.
After the bottom half is destroyed, Beiorg will use his Lightning Storm which will remove all buffs and cause paralysis on everyone so a status cleanser is recommended with anti status sphere. You can also still press the escape button even if all your units are paralyzed to try and escape but it's only a small window of opportunity to tap it before beiorg starts attacking again.
An example for a team to use is pretty much the same setup for shusui like the solo video posted up there, or the newest thunder dragon Eldora as leader can also be quite effective to surviving his normal attacks.
Suggested Leads:
Eldora lead + any BB on Spark unit so you could keep up when only the Upper body is alive.
Mission 3
- 流水消魂拳 (Soul Fist) = AoE + DEF buff + Water element buff
- 疾風連迅拳 (Gale Fist) = AoE + Hit count buff + Earth element buff
- 豪炎滅却拳 (Destruction Fist) = AoE + ATK buff + Fire element buff
- 召雷破砕拳 (Crushing Fist) = AoE + DEF Ignore buff + Thunder element buff
- 天魔閃承・業焔破 (Whatever) = Single-target + Fire attack up
- 虚空封界 (Void-sealed World) = BB Drain + Massive AoE (Occurs around 55% of the Body, after he says 『魔神の力が収束している…』. Can be cancelled if the entire raid squad deals enough damage)
- 煌竜覇神の大咆哮 (Dragon Roar) = Massive AoE which brings all units to 1 HP (Occurs around 70% of the Body)
- 生命の根絶 (Eradicate) - Single-target insta-death
- 王者の威光 (Majesty of Champions) - ATK buff
- エビルヒーリング (Dark Healing) = Single-target + Heal
- シャドーゲイル (Shadow Gale) = AoE
- ウイングバリア (Wing Barrier) = Dark shield buff
- 威圧的な構え (Intimidating Stance) = Remains Idle (Charge). Casts Death Tornado in the next turn.
- デス・トルネード (Death Tornado) = Massive AoE. Guard accordingly.
- テイルインパクト (Tail Impact) = AoE
- フル・テイルスイング (Tail Swipe) = Massive AoE
- 防御態勢 (Defensive Stance) = Damage mitigation
Baryuon is 'nukable' and doesn't require elemental reduction units. You just have to be careful of his HP threshold attacks at 70% and 55%.
Use status ailments. His Wings are susceptible to Poison which kills it quick. His Tail is susceptible to Curse, which locks down his Tail Swipes.
Be careful when engaging him after the Wings are down. When you come back after reviving or a smoke-bomb, he will use a Tail Swipe right away. Guard some units to avoid another wipe.
Suggested leads:
- Chrome/Avant or Karl/Avant
- Iris (ATK Down + Water Buff)
- Elza (Curse + Spark)
Mission 4
Am Yunos
- アストラルライン (Astral Line) = ST on each unit in the Front row or Back row
- スタードライブ (Star Drive) = ST on the units in the Middle
- クロスラジエーション (Cross Radiation) : ST on the unit in the Front Mid, Back Top, Back Bottom
- スーパーノヴァ (Supernova): Massive AoE. Occurs when the Curse on her Body expires. Also activated on certain HP thresholds.
- サテライトクェーザー (Satellite Quasar): AoE
- パーマネント (Permanent): Damage mitigation
- インフィニットヒール (Infinite Heal): Recovers HP + HoT
- ジャッジメント (Judgement): Drains BB Gauges. Unknown trigger (but is sometimes cast with Supernova)
- コロッシヴコロナ (Corrosive Corona): Applies DoT to all. Occurs when her Body goes below 50%, and every 4 turns after that
- ミラクルサンライズ (Miracle Sunrise): No idea. She casts this more frequently when her body is below 50%
- 虚空封界 (Void Sealed World) : Massive AoE after you break her Staff
- スペー スマジック (Space Magic): Water AoE
- ルミナスフレア (Luminous Flare): ST Water attack
Use a Reviora lead to mitigate most of her attacks. As listed above, she has a wide range of attacks, with the first three being cast the most (Astral Line, Star Drive, and Cross Radiation).
It might be better to put the two toughest units in the Mid as they get attacked the most. She can casts 2-6 abilities in one turn.
Use status ailments, especially Elsa since she can use the only two ailments Am Yunos is vulnerable with, Curse and Injury. If you lock down her Body and Staff, you wouldn't have to deal with a barrage of attacks. Be careful as she might cast Supernova once the Curse is over.
Suggested Squads:
- Reviora/Rhoa leads
- Elza (Curse) or Balgran (more Ailments)
- Semira Also
Mission 5
- 吸い尽くす = Single-target
- ボルヴァクレース = Random single-target
- サイレント・キル (Silent Kill) = Single-target + REC Down
- ラースプラント = AoE?
- シュバルツ・エクシア (Black Exia) = AoE?
- ドレディアアルバイト = AoE + Sickness/Injury/Weakness chance
- フィアフルワールド (Fearful world) = Strong AoE. Also occurs when her Roots has been destroyed.
- 大自然の剛障壁 (Nature Barrier) - DEF buff + Fire/Water/Earth/Thunder mitigation. Casts Void-Sealed World in the next turn.
- 虚空封界 (Void-sealed World) - Massive AoE
- サイレント・ヴォーパル (Silent Vorpal) = ST buff wipe + REC Down (targets current highest HP unit)
- ヴェルカンベライ = 100% BB Drain
- グランドフォース (Grand Force) = ATK buff?
- プロテクトフォース (Guard Force) = Damage mitigation
Use a Drevas + Rabeld lead to mitigate most of her attacks and survive deadly threshold nukes. She also uses her V-SW quite often.
She will use Nature Barrier first before casting V-SW. UBB Rabeld to cheese it.
Suggested Leads:
- Drevas/Rabeld leads is the only way to survive.
- Griff or Luce for Fire buff
source: appinvasion.com